Bioclimatology and Sustainability

Bioclimatology applies climate studies (climatology) to relationships with living beings. With knowledge of the basic concepts of climate and comfort, the importance of bioclimatology applied to architecture can be seen. Because through the building it is possible to take advantage of or avoid climatic conditions, in order to provide a comfortable internal environment for users.

The concept of bioclimatic design is attributed to the work of V.Olgyay and A. Olgyay, who in the 1960s published the work “Design with climate: Bioclimatic approach to architectural regionalism” where they related the study of bioclimatology in architecture considering human thermal comfort. The objective of bioclimatic architecture is to provide users with comfortable conditions inside environments through passive strategies that consider cooling, heating and natural lighting. For this, knowledge of the climate in its three scales (macroclimate, mesoclimate and microclimate) is important, as well as the correct application of bioclimatic strategies in buildings, incorporating design guidelines, architectural elements and construction technologies with the aim of lower energy consumption, optimizing the comfort of its occupants.

A correct application of bioclimatology concepts is the basis for more sustainable projects. Sustainability is a global concern that has been questioning the current growth model. This movement, which began in the late 1960s, adopted the term sustainable development in the late 1980s at meeting no. 42 of the UN. Subsequently, at the Rio meeting known as ECO 92, the countries committed to promoting development that considers the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations, and that is based on principles of analysis of the life cycle of materials , use of renewable energy and reduction in the use of materials and energy used in resources, prioritizing recycling.

Sustainability is based on the balance between the environmental, social and economic tripod and seeks the integration of several aspects in buildings: adaptation to the surroundings, energy efficiency with integration of renewable energy, use of environmentally appropriate materials, high internal environmental quality in buildings with user comfort and consideration of social and economic issues in decision-making, among other aspects.

The search for greater integration between the concepts of the sustainability tripod highlights the importance of life cycle analysis integrated into the different aspects of building assessment, including energy efficiency, with the concept of more resilient buildings adapted being also important. to future changes, such as climate change. The application of sustainability concepts in the construction sector is a challenge and a focus of intense discussions.

Discover LabEEE's research and contributions in the search for bioclimatically appropriate and more sustainable buildings.

Researchers involved in this area:

Ongoing research

  • Cost/benefit analysis of energy efficiency parameters in HIS

Research-related documents:

Publicações em periódicos relacionadas à linha de pesquisa

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