2023 - Best article award - 1st Place - at SIBRAGEC & SBTIC 2023
GARLET, L.; M.; MELO, A. P.; DIAS, C. A. . Information delivery specification for verification of IFC standard models in a BIM-BEM workflow.
2023 - Best article award - 2nd Place - at IBPSA LATAM 2023
LOESER, B. C.; GARLET, L.; GAPSKI, N. H.; BAVARESCO, M.; MELO, A. P.; LAMBERTS, R . Influence of the directional and angular configuration of the air conditioning system on air temperature and speed. In VII Latin American Building Simulation Congress - IBPSA LATAM 2023.
2022 - Champion Team (1st Place) in the 1st ENTAC Challenge Faselit Team Researchers: Ana Paula Melo, Larissa Pereira de Souza, Mateus Bavaresco, Matheus Körbes Bracht, Matheus Soares Geraldi
2022 - Honorable Mention in the CAPES Thesis Award Building stock modelling for energy benchmarking of schools in Brazil Researcher: Matheus Soares Geraldi
2022 - Best work of ENTAC 2022 from the Sustainable Development GT GERALDI, M. S. ; BAVARESCO, M. V. ; Melo, A.P. ; LAMBERTS, R. . Longitudinal analysis of electrical energy consumption in the residential sector in Brazil. In: ENTAC 2022 - XIX National Meeting of Built Environment Technology, 2022, Canela. XIX National Meeting of Technology for the Built Environment, 2022. v. 19. p. 1-15.
2021 - Best ASHRAE Student Branch Advisor of South Brazil Chapter and ASHRAE Region XII, ASHRAE Florianópolis South Brazil Chapter Advisor: Ana Paula Melo
2021 - 2021 Maurício Roriz Award granted to the 3 best articles published on XVI ENCA, ANTAC.
GERALDI, M. S. ; BAVARESCO, M. ; GNECCO, V. ; DALPAZ, L. ; GHISI, E. ; FOSSATI, M. . Statistical analysis of the intensity of energy use in school buildings in Brazil: A simplified benchmarking proposition. In: XVI National Meeting on Comfort in the Built Environment, 2021, Palmas. XVI National Meeting on Comfort in the Built Environment, 2021.
2019 - Roberto Lamberts Fellow from IBPSA, IBPSA (www.ibpsa.org)
2019 - Mauricio Roriz Award granted to the 3 best articles published in the XV ENCAC, ANTAC.
ELI, L. G. ; KRELLING, A. F. ; MACHADO, R. M. E. S. ; MAZZAFERRO, L. ; MENDES, L. S. ; Melo, A.P. ; LAMBERTS, R. .Sensitivity analysis and uncertainties of the parameters related to the modeling of floor contact with the ground in the EnergyPlus program. In: XV National Meeting on Comfort in the Built Environment, 2019, João Pessoa. XV National Meeting on Comfort in the Built Environment, 2019.
2018 - Best Paper Award, Building and Environment Periodic.
Development of the ASHRAE Global Thermal Comfort Database II
Földváry V, Cheung T, Zhang H, de Dear R, Parkinson T, Arens E, Chun C, Schiavon S, Luo M, Brager G, Li P, Kaam S et al.
2018 - Best Article by the Environmental Comfort and Energy Efficiency Working Group at ENTAC 2018, ANTAC.
Definition of envelope energy efficiency scales in residential buildings: Brazilian labeling. In: XVII National Meeting of Technology for the Built Environment, 2018, Foz do Iguaçu. XVII National Meeting of Built Environment Technology, 2018.
Vale-Capes Prize for Science and Sustainability for doctoral theses 2016.
Award given to Joe Arnaldo Villena Del Carpio, for the thesis “Use of mixed metal oxide pigments in paving to mitigate urban heat island”
Advisor: Glicério Trichês.
Co-advisor Deivis Luis Marinoski.
Honorable mention: V National Science and Technology Week 2015.
Researchers: Camila Cristina Stapait, Luciana Maccarini Schabbach, Márcio Celso Fredel and Deivis Luis Marinoski.
Título: Ceramic Materials and the Heat Island Effect: Determination of Optical Properties of Tiles Used in the Middle Region Itajaí Valley
Best Work CONBRAVA 2015:
Doctoral student Vanessa Cavalcanti Paes Duarte was awarded a certificate for her participation as "Best Work" at XIV CONBRAVA, held from September 23 to 25, 2015 in São Paulo. Title of work: Comparison of the energy performance of an HVAC system for a commercial building: VRF versus VAV. Authors: Duarte, V.C.P.; Melo, A.P.; Lamberts, R.
Best article published and presented at iSHuD 2014
Congress: Second Annual International Conference on Sustainable Human Development 2014
Location: Brunel University, London
Article: Investment feasibility analysis of rainwater harvesting in the city of Itapiranga, Brazil
Authors: Helen Berwanger and Enedir Ghisi
EU PVSEC Student Awards
Clarissa Debiazi Zomer, a student at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), completed her foreign student PhD period at the Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS) with her award-winning work at the 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC 2013), held from September 30 to October 4 in Paris. His work, voted best in the “Photovoltaic Systems” category, is entitled “The Balance between Aestherics and Performance in Building-integrated Photovoltaics in the Tropics” (C. Zomer, A. Nobre, P. Cassatella, T. Reindl and R . Rüther) with co-authors from SERIS and UFSC, Dr. Thomas Reindl, his advisor at SERIS and the PhD. Ricardo Rüther, his advisor at UFSC.
The Brazilian finalist work that competed for the prize with projects from Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, was 'Development of a method to estimate the energy consumption of commercial buildings through applications of neural networks' by graduate student Ana Paula Melo (LabEEE /UFSC). Ana Paula competed with 23 other candidates from all over Brazil.
2nd place in the RESEARCH category - Green Project Awards Brazil 2011
Authorship: Clarissa Zommer and Priscila Braun-Grabolle
Case study: Eletrosul headquarters building
Solar megawatt project: Photovoltaic solar generation integrated into a building located in an urban environment and connected to the electrical grid.
Honorable mention: CAPES TESES Award 2011
Researcher: Deivis Luis Marinoski
Advisor: Roberto Lamberts
Co-Advisor: Saulo Guths
Title: Development of a calorimeter to determine the solar factor of glass and windows
5th Place in the Odebrecht Award for Sustainable Development 2011
Author: Eduardo Leite Souza
Advisor: Enedir Ghisi
Title: The ideal frame to allow natural ventilation, control of sunlight and view to the outside
Honorable mention: Brazil Engineering Award 2011
Researcher: José Francisco Campos Moreira
Advisor: Enedir Ghisi
Title: Method for retrofitting lighting systems in public hospitals: a case study at the regional public hospital in Betim
3rd best work of XII CONBRAVA
Researcher: Mauricio Nath Lopes
Title: Development of a computational tool for simulating the energy consumption of buildings
Click to see the full article
Authors: Gustavo Prado Fontes, Rovy Pinheiro Pessoa Ferreira, Enedir Ghisi
Title: Sustainable Modular School
3rd Place: Maria Andrea Triana Montes, Marcio Andrade, Roberto Lamberts
Title: Solar water heating and rainwater tower
1st place: Joyce Correna Carlo
Title: Development of a Methodology for Assessing the Envelop Energy Efficiency of Non-Residential Buildings
Graduate Category
2nd place: Marina Vasconcelos Santana
Title: Influence of Construction Parameters on Energy Consumption of Office Buildings Located in Florianópolis - SC
Graduate Category
5th place: Lúcio Costa Proença, Davi da Fonseca Tavares, Gabriel Marcon Coelho
Title: Potential for saving electricity by reducing the demand for potable water in the city of Florianópolis
Graduate Category
1st place: Joyce Correna Carlo
Title: Relationship between the efficiency established by the regulation for labeling the energy efficiency level of commercial buildings and the economic benefits from investments in the Envelop
2nd place: Clarissa Debiazi Zomer
Title: Photovoltaic solar plant integrated into an urban building: the largest solar generator in the southern hemisphere
3rd place: Isabel Tourinho Salamoni
Title: The paradigm of the high cost of photovoltaic energy in Brazil and tariff parity
4th place: Ísis Portolan dos Santos
Title: Evaluation of the potential of solar roofs on homes
5th lugar: Ana Paula Melo
Title: Analysis of the influence of thermal transmittance on the energy consumption of commercial buildings
1st place - André Neis Botelho, Greyce Kelly Luz and Enedir Ghisi (advisor)
Title: moduLAR - Bioclimatic Building
2008 Merit Seal (Brazilian Association of Cohabs)
Title: Sustainable Tower for Low-Income Housing