Annex 69: Strategy and Practice of Adaptive Thermal Comfort in Low Energy Buildings (2014 - 2022)

Annex 69 addressed studies on thermal comfort in the built environment, aiming both to advance knowledge in the area, in methodological terms, and to improve the dissemination of knowledge obtained, through public databases. More information about Annex 69 can be found by clicking here.


Annex 79: Occupant-Centric Building Design and Operation (2018-2023)

As buildings become more efficient, occupant behavior has an increasing impact on energy consumption. Additionally, changes in work dynamics and comfort expectations are transforming building occupancy. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in interest in occupant behavior modeling, driven by the IEA EBC Annex 66 project, which focused on understanding occupant behavior in buildings and how they were considered in the design process.

Annex 80: Resilient Cooling of Buildings (2018-2023)

Annex 80 aimed to develop and study resilient cooling solutions, with low carbon emissions and low energy demand, in order to mitigate the overheating of buildings in extreme situations. Among the activities led by LabEEE within the scope of this project, we highlight the 7° Expert Meeting of Annex 80 in Florianópolis, in October 2022. More information about Annex 80 can be found by clicking here.

Annex 87: Energy and Indoor Environmental Quality Performance of Personalised Environmental Control Systems (2021-2026)

Previous studies have already shown that the use of personalized environmental control systems significantly increases user satisfaction levels in buildings. The purpose of Annex 87 is to establish guidelines and technical reference materials for customized environmental control systems to be incorporated into projects and operating buildings. Furthermore, it aims to quantify the benefits of these systems for health, comfort and energy efficiency.

Annex 89: Ways to Implement Net-zero Whole Life Carbon Buildings (2023-2027)

The project focuses on the actions necessary to implement, in public policies and in practice, buildings with zero greenhouse gas emissions throughout their entire life cycle. This means explicitly considering embodied and operational emissions at all stages of the life cycle, aiming to achieve the global (or ultimate) goal of the Paris Agreement of limiting warming to well below 2°C, and ideally to 1. 5°C, above pre-industrial levels, in order to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.

IEA EBC Annexes

With the support of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, the Energy Efficiency Laboratory officially participated in the International Energy Research Program in Buildings and Communities (EBC) of the International Energy Agency (IEA). This program proposes the development of research and development among 26 member countries.

Bioclimatic zoning for Paraguay

LabEEE carried out the development of bioclimatic zoning for Paraguay as part of Cooperación Técnica #: RG-T3347 Edificios Eficientes, Infraestructura Verde y Provisión de Servicios Ecosistémicos para Enfrentar el Cambio Climático en Ciudades: Una Visión Programática with financing from Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo – BID. The cooperation aimed to develop a sustainable construction manual for social housing in Paraguay, with the participation of several teams of experts from the country as well as external experts. 

Updating Energy Efficiency Requirements for Energy Codes in Salvador [2021-2022]

This project details the aspects present in the topic of Efficiency and Energy Alternatives of the Decree that establishes the IPTU VERDE Sustainable Certification Program in buildings in the Municipality of Salvador, with the objective of facilitating the understanding and application of the requirements for scoring to the evaluated projects.

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