BIM - Building Information Modeling

Analyzing the literature, there is not just one satisfactory definition of Building Information Modelling(BIM), but rather a series of different definitions that end up converging on the idea of ​​a digital representation of the building (MIETTINEN; PAAVOLA, 2014). This representation takes the form of a three-dimensional object-oriented model that facilitates interoperability and the exchange of information between different software tools. BIM tools allow parametric modeling and provide opportunities for spatial visualization, simulations of building behavior and more efficient project management. By extending its application between different phases of the building's life cycle (such as between design and maintenance), a new level of information exchange between the different actors that participate in the processes involved with the building becomes viable. The collaboration provided is cited as a factor in reducing project errors and increasing productivity (MIETTINEN; PAAVOLA, 2014).

The BIM methodology allows consultants from different disciplines to participate in the process at an earlier stage of building design, making efficiency estimates of solution alternatives and guiding choices of typology and solutions with a view to Life Cycle Analysis and performance. simulated, greatly optimizing project alternatives from the most diverse aspects (ELEFTHERIADIS; MUMOVIC; GREENING, 2017).

The main benefits sought when implementing the BIM methodology are still focused on automating the modeling process, improving documentation and communication between project and construction teams, and automation when there are project modifications in different documentation views. However, the use of BIM has been expanding as researchers and users realize other potentials to be explored (KAMEL; MEMARI, 2019).


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