The first uses of the term Zero Energy Building (ZEB), or zero energy buildings, date back to the 1970s. However, the term gained great prominence after important energy crises that occurred in the 2000s, where different terminology, definitions and approaches were adopted. , according to the energy policy and specific conditions of each country.
In Brazil, Ordinance No. 42, of February 24, 2021, which approves the Inmetro Normative Instruction for the Energy Efficiency Classification of Commercial, Service and Public Buildings (INI-C), presents the definition for energy buildings almost zero (NZEBs) and positive energy buildings (EEPs). The first is defined as “energy efficient buildings whose renewable energy generation produced within the boundaries of the building or the lot on which the building is located supplies 50% or more of their annual energy demand”. EEPs are defined as “energy efficient buildings whose generation of renewable energy produced within the limits of the building or the lot on which the building is located is greater than its annual energy demand”.
Buildings that generate their energy locally and that have an energy balance close to zero, zero or positive, are trends in global public policies and bring benefits from the global to the local sphere, since, essentially, they present high energy efficiency, replacing fuels fossil fuels for clean and renewable energy and reduce CO2 emissions. Globally, they contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, minimizing global warming and climate change, slowing the depletion of natural resources and fossil fuels and transitioning from a centralized generation model to distributed generation. For the construction sector, they present themselves as a possibility of creating new jobs, differentiating projects and products in the market, valuing companies, obtaining sustainability and energy efficiency certifications. For the user, they promote a reduction in operational costs (energy), greater environmental comfort and quality of the internal environment and property appreciation.
Discover LabEEE's research and contributions in relation to buildings with an almost zero-zero and positive energy balance.
Researchers involved in this area:
- Roberto Lamberts - Curriculum Lattes
- Michele Fossati - Curriculum Lattes
- Maria Andrea Triana - Curriculum Lattes