Seleção de bolsista de iniciação científica

Seleção para bolsista de iniciação científica para auxiliar no desenvolvimento das atividades do convênio de cooperação entre a UFSC, FEESC e Eletrobras, destinado a apoiar tecnicamente a implementação do novo método de avaliação da eficiência energética do Programa Brasileiro de Etiquetagem de Edificações no âmbito do Programa Nacional de Conservação de Energia Elétrica - PROCEL.

Curso: Graduação em Ciências da Computação da UFSC

Seleção de bolsista de iniciação científica

Seleção para bolsista de iniciação científica para auxiliar no desenvolvimento das atividades do convênio de cooperação entre a UFSC, FEESC e Eletrobras, destinado a apoiar tecnicamente a implementação do novo método de avaliação da eficiência energética do Programa Brasileiro de Etiquetagem de Edificações no âmbito do Programa Nacional de Conservação de Energia Elétrica - PROCEL.

Curso: Graduação em Ciências da Computação da UFSC

User-centered environmental control: a review of current findings on personal conditioning systems and personal comfort models

Maíra André, Renata De Vecchi e Roberto Lamberts
Energy and Buildings

Personal conditioning systems (PCS) enable increased thermal comfort and acceptability conditions in a wider temperature range, resulting in energy savings. Many studies analysed the thermal effect and energy efficiency of these systems, although the association between these two goals in practice is not that simple. In order to identify possible answers to understand what remains to be discussed on this subject, a review of recent publications on PCS was carried out, mainly focused on its implementation in shared office spaces. The reviewed publications shed some light on the use of personal comfort models associated with environmental control for system automation, as well as the development of new technologies that facilitate data acquisition and the proposition of new personal conditioning systems. The application and proposition of wearable systems and the development of textiles for smart clothing is an identified trend seeking greater mobility and flexibility of PCS use, although its integration to environmental management systems is challenging. Thus, this review discloses some questions that should be considered for the implementation of PCS and personal comfort models in real environments, including some insights based on current publications on the subject.


Desenvolvimento de metamodelos para a determinação do consumo anual em climatização aplicado a edifícios de escritórios com sistema do tipo água gelada em diferentes climas

O consumo do sistema de climatização representa uma parcela significativa do consumo total de energia em edificações comerciais. Estimar o consumo de energia dos sistemas de climatização em condições reais de operação, devido à complexidade destes sistemas, não é uma tarefa fácil. A simulação é um método detalhado que apresenta bons resultados, mas a sua complexidade é o maior obstáculo para uma adoção mais ampla na prática. Os métodos simplificados existentes apresentam imprecisões significativas, e geralmente estimam somente a carga térmica da edificação.

Algoritmos em linguagem R para análises de conforto térmico com base na ASHRAE Standard 55

Inicialmente, este projeto tinha como objetivo a comparação de diferentes índices de avaliação de conforto térmico a longo prazo de acordo com a ASHRAE Standard 55 (2013). Para isso foi necessário viabilizar o gerenciamento de uma grande quantidade de dados, bem como o cálculo dos índices de uma forma mais sistemática e prática. Assim, a melhor forma encontrada para viabilizar o cálculo dos índices de conforto térmico por meio da ASHRAE 55 foi o desenvolvimento de algoritmos computacionais.

Método de avaliação multicritério de estratégias de projeto de edificações mais sustentáveis

O setor da construção civil é um dos maiores consumidores de recursos naturais e energia do mundo. As estratégias de projeto para melhorar a eficiência energética são uma solução para aumentar o desempenho de um edifício. No entanto, na maioria dos casos, tais estratégias são avaliadas somente na fase operacional de uma edificação. Para escolher de maneira correta as estratégias de projeto de edifícios, elas devem ser analisadas com uma abordagem multidisciplinar baseada no desenvolvimento sustentável.

Life-cycle energy and cost analyses of window shading used to improve the thermal performance of houses

Andrea Invidiata; Enedir Ghisi
Journal of Cleaner Production

The building sector is one of the largest consumers of natural resources and energy in the world. Strategies to improve the energy efficiency are a solution to improve the performance of a building. However, in most cases, such strategies are assessed only at the operational phase of a building. The life-cycle energy analysis can be an important tool to allow choosing the best strategy. The objective of this paper is to assess the energy performance of four window shading systems in a house using life-cycle energy analysis. Life-cycle cost analysis was also used to determine not only the most energy-efficient strategy, but also the most economically feasible one. A house located in Florianópolis, southern Brazil, was evaluated based on a 63-year lifespan. The four window shadings analysed were: punctured concrete blocks, aluminium double sliding shutters, PVC roller shutters and wooden double open shutters. The EnergyPlus computer programme was used to estimate only the annual energy consumption for air-conditioning with and without the shading strategies. National and international databases were used to perform the life-cycle analysis. For the life cycle cost analysis, the cost of each strategy was obtained through a survey in local stores. The average inflation rate in the last ten years in Brazil was used to estimate the future costs. The results showed that the use of wooden double open shutters and PVC roller shutters are the most suitable solutions for window shading, both in terms of energy and costs, if they are not replaced during the lifespan of the building. This paper pointed out the need of using the proposed methodology to assure the right choice of strategies for energy efficiency in buildings.



Impact of climate change on heating and cooling energy demand in houses in Brazil

Andrea Invidiata; Enedir Ghisi
Energy and Buildings

Energy consumption and thermal comfort in buildings are heavily affected by weather conditions. This study investigated the impact of climate change on thermal comfort conditions and on heating and cooling energy demand in dwellings in three cities in Brazil. Scenario A2 of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was selected to be used in the study. To quantify the impact, the Climate Change World Weather File Generator was used to produce weather data for future typical meteorological years, such as 2020, 2050 and 2080. The EnergyPlus computer programme was used to estimate the indoor air temperature and the annual heating and cooling energy demand in the future. In order to maintain the energy consumption in the houses at the level it is nowadays, passive design strategies such as solar shading, low absorptance and thermal insulation were assessed. Results show that there will be an increase in the annual energy demand ranging from 19%–65% among the three cities in 2020; 56%–112% in 2050; and 112%–185% in 2080. In the coldest city, the annual heating energy demand will decrease by 94% in 2080 due to an increase in the average temperature and global solar radiation. The use of passive design strategies may reduce up to 50% the future annual cooling and heating energy demand in houses in Brazil.


Selecting design strategies using multi-criteria decision making to improve the sustainability of buildings

Andrea Invidiata; Monica Lavagna; Enedir Ghisi
Building and Environment

The building sector is one of the largest consumers of natural resources and energy in the world. Design strategies to improve the energy efficiency can decrease the negative impacts of a building. In order to evaluate and select the most appropriate design strategies for buildings, they should be analysed through a multidisciplinary approach based on sustainable development. The objective of this study is to propose a method that combines adaptive thermal comfort, climate change, life cycle assessment, life cycle cost analysis and multi-criteria decision making to help selecting the best design strategies to improve the sustainability of buildings. The method presented herein is based on a system of indicators that allows a comprehensive evaluation of design strategies. A multi-family social building, located in Milan, northern Italy, was used as a case study considering a 100-year lifespan. Six design strategies were evaluated. The EnergyPlus computer programme was used to estimate the annual energy demand for air-conditioning alone, with and without the design strategies. Three different databases were used to perform the life cycle analysis. For the life cycle cost analysis, the cost of each strategy was estimated based on the pricelist of the Milan Chamber of Commerce (Camera di Commercio di Milano). The results show that there will be an average increase of 53% in the cooling energy demand and a decrease of 49% in the heating energy demand in 2080 compared to the consumption in 2017. The design strategy with the highest level of sustainability was a reinforced concrete frame with rectified bricks, followed by a reinforced concrete frame with cellular concrete blocks and by cross-laminated timber (X-Lam) and wood fibre. This research highlighted the need for the use of a multi-criteria method to ensure the right selection of design strategies to obtain more sustainable buildings.


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