Users’ assessment of personal fans in a warm office space in brazil

Maíra André, Carolina Buonocore, Luiza Castro, Roberto Lamberts

The use of personal fans allows improving thermal comfort and energy savings in warm office spaces. This is due to individual adjustment and extended indoor temperature acceptability. However, to achieve that, the usability of fans must be assured. Therefore, an experiment with 40 people of various age groups was carried out to assess four types of fans, one of which is an evaporative cooling device. The goal was to find out which criteria should be used for selecting a fan to implement in an office space. Results show that airflow sensation and speed adjustment are considered the most important, although, noise is also very important, and cost can be an eliminatory criterion. The evaporative device was the best rated even in a space with 70 to 80% relative humidity, as users considered it to have a smooth controllable airflow. The results highlight these aspects should be considered in the selection of a personal fan and could also drive the industry to improve fans design for increasing usability and expanding the use of these systems.


Assessment of solar radiation data quality in typical meteorological years and its influence on the building performance simulation

Facundo Bre a, Rayner M. e Silva Machado b, Linda K. Lawrie c, Drury B. Crawley d, Roberto Lamberts b

Solar radiation along with other weather variables are commonly processed on typical meteorological years (TMYs) to be applied in the design of various energy systems. However, in several regions of the world, solar radiation data usually lacks a suitable and/or representative measurement, which leads to its modeling and prediction to properly fill this information in the databases. Consequently, the accuracy of these models can influence the viability and proper design of such energy systems. Within this context, the present contribution aims to assess the quality of solar radiation data included in the most recent TMY databases with Brazilian data and how that quality can influence the selection of months that create TMYs as well as the building performance simulation (BPS) results. Because two different approaches to generate the solar radiation data are used, we evaluate the global horizontal irradiation data in the two latest versions of recent Brazilian TMY databases against the corresponding satellite-derived ones obtained from the POWER database (NASA). Simultaneously, as another alternative approach, global solar radiation data are calculated for the same studied locations and period through the modeling method used to generate the current version of the International Weather for Energy Calculations (IWEC2), and its performance is also compared against the corresponding reanalysis data (POWER). Finally, a set of case studies applying the local building performance regulations are exhaustively analyzed to quantify the impact of the uncertainty of solar radiation models on BPS results throughout Brazil. The results indicate that the accuracy of solar radiation models can highly influence the resulting TMY configurations. These changes can drive differences up to 40% on the prediction of the ideal annual loads of the residential buildings while, regardless of design performance, differences lower than 10% are found for the commercial case studies in most locations. Conversely, the prediction of peak loads for cooling shows to be more sensitive to the climate data changes in the commercial buildings than in the residential ones.


Application of machine learning to estimate building energy use intensities

R.K. Veiga a, A.C. Veloso b, A.P. Melo a, R. Lamberts a

Information on building energy consumption and its characteristics is essential for carrying out benchmarking processes. However, currently a lack of data acts as a major barrier in this regard. To address this issue, the purpose of this study is to demonstrate the application of machine learning to estimate building energy use intensities of bank branches buildings located in Brazil. The methodology proposed in this study completed a data collection regarding the bank branch typology. Then, the archetype model and its fixed and variables inputs variables were defined to generate 48,000 samples that were simulated using EnergyPlus program. A Sobol sensitivity analysis was performed, showing that the lighting power density followed by the weather variable were found to be the most influential variables when estimating the energy consumption of the bank branches. Finally, a comparison between machine learning techniques were applied to train the predictive model. The Support Vector Machine achieved MAE and RMSE values of 3.16 and 4.45 kWh/m2.year, respectively, representing the most accurate model for benchmarking purposes. Due to the non-linearity among the variable parameters, optimizing sophisticated machine learning techniques significantly improved the model accuracy. The results are of great value, since the model developed can be used in future benchmarking throughout the country. The methodology showed high accuracy and could be extended to other typologies.


Inserção de simulações de desempenho térmico no processo de projeto

Larissa Pereira de Souza, Mateus Bavaresco, Carlos Eduardo Verzola Vaz, Roberto Lamberts

O crescente aumento de consumo energético em edificações é uma questão preocupante. O modo como as edificações se comportam em relação ao clima em que estão inseridas é importante no seu consumo final, e assim, diretrizes iniciais de projeto voltadas ao seu comportamento térmico podem reduzir boa parte do consumo durante a operação. Isso porque essas diretrizes visam otimizar o desempenho das edificações, minimizando o uso de equipamentos de resfriamento para garantir o conforto dos usuários. No entanto, essas análises de desempenho térmico são realizadas com o projeto já consolidado, dificultando o alcance de bons níveis de desempenho e sem grande margem de alteração de projeto com este foco. Visando unir o processo a essas análises, o objetivo deste trabalho é o levantamento de dados sobre o processo de projeto de arquitetos para compreender quais parâmetros de desempenho já são considerados, quais outros poderiam ser incorporados, e quais as fases de maior relevância do ponto de vista térmico. Percebeu-se que os participantes deste estudo, apesar de considerarem relevante a avaliação de critérios como insolação e ventilação natural na concepção de projeto, o fazem com métodos pouco precisos. Além disso, evidenciou-se o desconhecimento de aspectos importantes, como a NBR 15575, a etiqueta de eficiência energética e o uso de simulações computacionais. Portanto, propõe-se uma estrutura de trabalho integrando as respostas sobre definições de projeto com os critérios de análise de desempenho. O desenvolvimento de uma estrutura de trabalho permitirá futuros experimentos de inserção de simulações no processo de projeto para validação.


Renewable energy and energy conservation area policy (REECAP) framework: A novel methodology for bottom-up and top-down principles integration

Abel S. Vieira a, Rodney A. Stewart a, Roberto Lamberts b, Cara D. Beal c

Climate change mitigation strategies are multifaceted and require collaboration among a range of stakeholder groups. The objective of this paper was to develop an overarching Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Area Policy (REECAP) framework. The framework was developed based on a comprehensive literature review, in which seven principles for Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Policies were identified. The paper also includes a case study to demonstrate an application of the REECAP framework. The novelty of the framework stems from its integration of carbon-energy-cash flows among different decision-making spheres, scales and area specific characteristics. The framework provides a mathematical understanding of how energy strategies can be transformed and optimised in a cost-effective manner by integrating stakeholders under a shared vision.


Anexo 66: Definition and Simulation of Occupant Behavior in Buildings (2013 - 2018)

O comportamento dos ocupantes em edifícios possuem impactos significativos no uso de energia e qualidade ambiental. Embora seja crucial para o design e operação de edifícios de baixo consumo energético, muitas vezes é subestimado. O comportamento dos ocupantes é complexo, e as pesquisas da área precisam de embasamento multidisciplinar para alcançar o aprofundamento necessário nessa área.

Anexo 69: Strategy and Practice of Adaptive Thermal Comfort in Low Energy Buildings (2014 - 2022)

O Anexo 69 abordou estudos em conforto térmico no ambiente construído visando tanto avançar o conhecimento na área, em termos metodológicos, quanto aprimorar a divulgação do conhecimento obtido, por meio de bases públicas. Mais informações sobre o Anexo 69 podem ser encontradas clicando aqui.


Anexo 79: Occupant-Centric Building Design and Operation (2018-2023)

À medida que os edifícios se tornam mais eficientes, o comportamento dos ocupantes têm impacto crescente no consumo de energia. Além disso, as mudanças na dinâmica de trabalho e as expectativas de conforto estão transformando a ocupação dos edifícios. Nos últimos anos, houve um aumento significativo no interesse pela modelagem de comportamento dos ocupantes, impulsionado pelo projeto IEA EBC Annex 66, que focou em compreender o comportamento dos ocupantes em edifícios e como eles eram considerados no processo de projeto.

Anexo 80: Resilient Cooling of Buildings (2018-2023)

O Anexo 80 teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento e o estudo de soluções de resfriamento resilientes, de baixa emissão de carbono e baixa demanda de energia, a fim de mitigar o sobreaquecimento das edificações em situações extremas. Dentre as atividades lideradas pelo LabEEE no âmbito deste projeto, destaca-se a realização do 7° Expert Meeting do Anexo 80 em Florianópolis, em outubro de 2022.

Anexo 87: Energy and Indoor Environmental Quality Performance of Personalised Environmental Control Systems (2021-2026)

Estudos anteriores já evidenciaram que o uso de sistemas personalizados de controle ambiental aumenta significativamente os níveis de satisfação dos usuários em edificações. O objetivo do Anexo 87 é estabelecer diretrizes e materiais técnicos de referência para que sistemas personalizados de controle ambiental sejam incorporados em projetos e edifícios em operação. Além disso, visa quantificar os benefícios desses sistemas para a saúde, conforto e eficiência energética.

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