Seleção de Bolsistas 2024 - CB3E

O LabEEE está realizando uma seleção de bolsistas de Graduação e Pós-graduação para atuação no Convênio ECTI ECV-001/2024! 😀

Este convênio tem como principal objetivo apoiar o desenvolvimento do programa DEO-Procel, dar suporte técnico à implementação da compulsoriedade da avaliação da conformidade de edificações quanto à eficiência energética no Brasil e o desenvolvimento de um sistema de capacitação e avaliação de profissionais certificados. 

Thermal comfort evaluation in residences with natural ventilation: an application in the Brazilian hot and humid climate

A recent approach to human thermal comfort under warm-to-hot conditions indoors includes dynamic airflows, whose mean air velocities vary in time. The dynamic airflow background is based on the features of the widely accepted natural wind, recognised as more pleasant than constant mechanical airflows. Natural wind-induced airflows may occur inside buildings if climatic and building design characteristics are favourable. Moreover, natural ventilation is a primary conditioning strategy in Brazilian residences – an optimal scenario to assess dynamic airflows.

Parceria LabEEE e INPE: Desenvolvimento de Arquivos Climáticos Futuros para Simulação Energética de Edificações

Projeto desenvolvido como uma parceria entre pesquisadores do LabEEE e do INPE para desenvolvimento de arquivos climáticos futuros para as 26 capitais estaduais brasileiras mais o Distrito Federal. Espera-se com esse projeto ampliar a disponibilidade de arquivos climáticos futuros utilizando métodos mais atualizados e computacionalmente intensivos para representar as mudanças climáticas ao longo do território nacional. 

Conheça o GT - Grupo Técnico para Eficientização de Energia em Edificações

O Grupo Técnico para Eficientização de Energia em Edificações foi criado pelo Decreto nº4.059/2001, revisado pelo Dec. nº9.864/ 2019, com a missão de assessorar tecnicamente o CGIEE - Comitê Gestor de Indicadores e Níveis de Eficiência Energética, na implementação da Lei 10.295/ 2001 (Lei de Eficiência Energética) no segmento de Edificações.

Multi-domain simulation for the holistic assessment of the indoor environment: A systematic review

Mateus Bavaresco, Veronica Gnecco, Ilaria Pigliautile, Cristina Piselli, Matheus Bracht, Roberta Cureau, Larissa Pereira de Souza, Matheus Geraldi, Nathalia Vasquez, Claudia Fabiani, Enedir Ghisi, Roberto Lamberts, Ana Paula Melo, Anna Laura Pisello

The multi-domain comfort theory investigates human-environmental perception and comfort by accounting for people's simultaneous exposure to various stimuli from different physical domains. Multi-domain studies describe human reactions to environmental conditions, including indoor occupants' behaviour and comfort. Building simulation is essential to analyse Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) and energy consumption in buildings. Introducing multi-domain comfort theories in building simulation practices could improve reliability. A systematic literature review investigated the approaches adopted in multi-domain building simulation during the last decade. The simulation studies discussed herein combine two or more domains related to IEQ in buildings, indicating the state of the art, limitations, and potential trends. This review showed that multi-domain simulation comprising all the IEQ domains is still missing due to its complexity and the lack of standards for multi-domain comfort. Simulation studies mostly involved two domains - thermal and air quality or thermal and visual. The most common engines and software combinations were presented, and related interoperability issues were discussed. The most common inputs and outputs for each domain were described to identify common ground where to start building up an efficient multi-domain simulation framework. The role of the quality report was also addressed, pointing out that the current validation procedures are incipient. Advancing multi-domain simulation knowledge concurrently with understanding multi-domain comfort growth would benefit researchers and practitioners. Therefore, multi-domain simulations can become a powerful tool to guide occupant-centric building design and operation.


Translating thermal performance into thermal resilience: a simulation framework to assess buildings and communities

Building design and operation is undergoing a mentality shift driven by the increasing materialization of long-known threats from climate change. In this context, optimization of performance and cost gives space to also consider resilience. This work aims to propose a simulation framework to quantify and improve the thermal resilience of buildings and communities against overheating threats.

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