Publications - Journal Articles

Analyzing the impact of small solar water heating systems on peak demand and on emissions in the Brazilian context T. Giglio; V. Santos; R. Lamberts
Optimization of inverter loading ratio for grid connected photovoltaic systems MARTINS DESCHAMPS, EDUARDO ; Rüther, Ricardo
Thermal acceptability assessment in buildings located in hot and humid regions in Brazil Wagner Augusto Andreasia, Roberto Lamberts, Christhina Cândido
Development of a Metamodel to Predict Cooling Energy Consumption of HVAC Systems in Office Buildings in Different Climates Mauricio Nath Lopes; Roberto Lamberts
Influence of relative air humidity and movement on human thermal perception in classrooms in a hot and humid climate Buonocore, C.; De Vecchi, R.; Scalco, V.; Lamberts, R.
Estimating the impact of urban densification on high-rise office building cooling loads in a hot and humid climate. Izabella Lima; Veridiana Scalco; Roberto Lamberts
A field study about gender and thermal comfort temperatures in office buildings Maykot, J. K.; Rupp, R. F.; Ghisi, E.
A review of occupant behaviour in residential buildings Bruna Faitão Balvedi; Enedir Ghisi; Roberto Lamberts
Development of the ASHRAE Global Thermal Comfort Database II. Building and Environment. Földváry, V.; Cheung, L.T.; Zhang, H.; de Dear, R.; Parkinson, T.; Arens, E.; Chun, C.; Schiavon, S.; Luo, M.; Brager, G.; Li, P.; Cândido, C.; Lamberts, R.; De Vecchi, R.; ... Zhou, X.
Selecting design strategies using multi-criteria decision making to improve the sustainability of buildings Andrea Invidiata; Monica Lavagna; Enedir Ghisi