Energy use rationalization program at UFSC


The objective of PRUEN is to reduce consumption and expenses with electricity on the UFSC campus.

LabEEE's participation

At first, LabEEE developed an analysis of UFSC's electricity bills, suggesting adjustments in the contracted demand of some gauges and the grouping of small gauges supplied at low voltage to a single meter served at high voltage. The change from the conventional rate to a green hourly-seasonal rate was also proposed for 3 UFSC gauges. All these suggestions involve an estimated annual savings of BRL 45,000 per year.

LabEEE is also studying the standardization of lighting equipment purchased by the University City Hall. Currently, different lighting systems, efficient or not, are used in the various UFSC Centers. The adoption of standard sets of lamps, luminaires and ballasts for classrooms, administrative areas and circulation will allow for a gradual increase in the energy efficiency of the campus.

Two classrooms at the Technological Center (CTC) already have energy-efficient lighting systems donated by equipment manufacturers. Based on this pilot project, the standard lighting system for classrooms at UFSC was defined.

The recommendations proposed by LabEEE

Two lighting kits were proposed by LabEEE to the University Council and approved as a UFSC resolution for specifying the purchase of lighting equipment in bids(Attachment A).

Recommendations for better use of electrical energy in architectural projects (Attachment C) and lighting systems (Attachment D) new ones or reforms were also proposed by LabEEE and approved by the university board. These recommendations can be adopted in commercial installations (office use) to improve energy efficiency.

LabEEE also proposed recommendations for the purchase of new campus air conditioners. (Attachment B), following the efficiency standards recommended by PROCEL.

Recommendations proposed by LabEEE:

Scientific publications related to the subject

Since 1997, with the completion of Enedir Ghisi's dissertation, LabEEE has been suggesting and presenting improvement proposals for UFSC's artificial lighting system. In addition to this master's thesis, articles were published in congresses in the area of ​​thermal comfort and technology of the built environment.

Articles, dissertations and theses on energy efficiency in buildings can be obtained in our area of publications.

PRUEN official website