Publications - Journal Articles

YEAR Sort descending TITLE AUTHORS
Viabilidade de um sistema híbrido diesel/fotovoltaico para a região norte do Brasil Edson Bazzo, Ricardo Ruther e Denizar Cruz Martins
Rainwater tank capacity and potential for potable water savings by using rainwater in the residential sector of southeastern Brazil GHISI, Enedir; BRESSAN, Diego Lapolli; MARTINI, Maurício
Determinação da exposição à chuva dirigida em Florianópolis, SC: índices de chuva dirigida e métodos semi-empíricos Michele Giongo, Ivo José Padaratz, Roberto Lamberts
Economic Evaluation and Optimization of Hybrid Diesel/Photovoltaic Systems Integrated to Utility Grids Sergio Colle, Samuel Luna de Abreu e Ricardo Ruther
Inverter sizing of grid-connected photovoltaic systems in the light of local solar resource distribution characteristics and temperature Bruno Burger e Ricardo Ruther
Uso de instrumentos computacionais para análise do desempenho térmico e energético de edificações no Brasil Nathan Mendes; Fernando Simon Westphal; Roberto Lamberts; José A. Bellini da Cunha Neto
Potential for potable water savings by using rainwater and greywater in a multi-storey residential building in southern Brazil Enedir Ghisi e Daniel Fabricio Ferreira
Solar energy scenarios in Brazil. Part two: Photovoltaics applications Fernando Ramos Martins, Ricardo Ruther, Enio Bueno Pereira e Samuel Luna de Abreu
Improvement of a measurement system for solar heat gain through fenestration Deivis Luis Marinoski, Saulo Guths, Fernando Oscar Ruttkay Pereira, Roberto Lamberts
Rainwater harvesting in petrol stations in Brasília: potential for potable water savings and investment feasibility analysis Enedir Ghisi, Davi de Fonseca Tavares e Vinicius Luis Rocha