Casa Azul Seal Manual

Selo Casa Azul CAIXALabeee participated in the elaboration of the Manual for the CAIXA Casa Azul Seal (2010). The Manual “Selo Casa Azul: Good Practices for More Sustainable Housing” was produced with a team of specialists from USP, UNICAMP and UFSC in support of CAIXA's Casa Azul Seal. The Casa Azul CAIXA Seal aims to recognize and encourage projects that demonstrate their contributions to the reduction of environmental impacts, considering 53 criteria in relation to urban quality, design and comfort, energy efficiency, conservation of material resources, water and social practices. The Casa Azul CAIXA Seal is the first project sustainability classification system developed for the reality of Brazilian housing construction. The objective of the manual is to support designers and entrepreneurs with strategies adapted to the country's housing reality and the incorporation of the “development agenda” as a way of choosing to adopt actions that are more relevant from the socio-environmental point of view.

