Publicações - Artigos de periódicos

Assessment of solar radiation data quality in typical meteorological years and its influence on the building performance simulation Facundo Bre a, Rayner M. e Silva Machado b, Linda K. Lawrie c, Drury B. Crawley d, Roberto Lamberts b
From characterisation to evaluation: A review of dynamic and non-uniform airflows in thermal comfort studies Buonocore, C.; De Vecchi, R.; Lamberts, R.; Guths, S.
Application of machine learning to estimate building energy use intensities R.K. Veiga a, A.C. Veloso b, A.P. Melo a, R. Lamberts a
Evaluating the impact of the shape of school reference buildings on bottom-up energy benchmarking Geraldi, M.S.; Gnecco, V.M; Neto, A.B.; Martins, B.A.M.; Ghisi, E.; Fossati, M.; Melo, A.P.; Lamberts R.
Comparison between national and local benchmarking models: The case of public nursery schools in Southern Brazil Gnecco, V.M.; Geraldi, M.S.; Fossati, M.; Triana, M.A.
Sustainable energy performance in Brazilian social housing: A proposal for a Sustainability Index in the energy life cycle considering climate change Triana, M. A.; Lamberts, R.; Sassi, P.
Addressing the impact of COVID-19 lockdown on energy use in municipal buildings: A case study in Florianópolis, Brazil Geraldi, M.S.; Bavaresco, M.V.; Triana, M.A.; Melo, A.P.; Lamberts, R.
Inserção de simulações de desempenho térmico no processo de projeto Larissa Pereira de Souza, Mateus Bavaresco, Carlos Eduardo Verzola Vaz, Roberto Lamberts
Thermal performance of residential building with mixed-mode and passive cooling strategies: The Brazilian context L.G. Eli; A. F. Krelling; M. S. Olinger; A. P. Melo; R. Lamberts
A metamodel for building information modeling-building energy modeling integration in early design stage M.K. Bracht, A.P. Melo, R. Lamberts