The aim of this paper is to identify which method to assess thermal comfort is the most appropriate to be used in hybrid commercial buildings located in hot and humid summer climate. Three methods to assess thermal comfort were analysed: (1) ASHRAE 55 for determining acceptable thermal conditions in occupied spaces, (2) ASHRAE 55 for determining acceptable thermal conditions in naturally ventilated spaces and (3) Givoni's chart for hot and humid climates. Models with two geometries, two room sizes per geometry, two solar orientations and three window areas per model were analysed. Simulations were performed using the EnergyPlus programme, with the TRY climate file of Florianópolis. Thermal comfort was evaluated applying the simulations output data into the three methods. Thus, the amount of time (number of hours per year) in which the use of air-conditioning is necessary to bring thermal comfort for the users throughout the year was determined using each method. Such number of hours of use of air-conditioning was also compared with the pattern of use of air-conditioning observed in Florianópolis. The main conclusion is that the most suitable method for use in hot and humid summer climates is the method proposed by Givoni.
Rupp, R.; Ghisi, E.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
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