Publicações - Artigos de periódicos

Energy performance evaluation of a net plus-energy residential building with grid-connected photovoltaic system in Brazil Giovani Almeida Dávi, Estefanía Caamaño-Martín, Ricardo Rüther, Juan Solano
Energy performance evaluation of a net plus-energy residential building with grid-connected photovoltaic system in Brazil Giovani Almeida Dávi, Estefanía Caamaño-Martín, Ricardo Rüther, Juan Solano
The effect of window opening ventilation control on residential building energy consumption M. J. Sorgato; A. P. Melo; R. Lamberts
Building energy efficiency: An overview of the Brazilian residential labeling scheme Michele Fossati; Veridiana Atanasio Scalco; Vinícius Cesar Cadena Linczuk; Roberto Lamberts
A novel surrogate model to support building energy labelling system: A new approach to assess cooling energy demand in commercial buildings A. P. Melo; R. S. Versage; G. Sawaya; R. Lamberts
Savings related to solar water heating system: A case study of low-income families in Brazil Thalita Giglio; Roberto Lamberts
Impact of climate change on heating and cooling energy demand in houses in Brazil Andrea Invidiata; Enedir Ghisi
Life-cycle energy and cost analyses of window shading used to improve the thermal performance of houses Andrea Invidiata; Enedir Ghisi
Conforto térmico humano em escritórios com sistema central de condicionamento artificial em clima subtropical úmido: estudos de campo vs. abordagem analítica Rupp, R. F.; De Vecchi, R.; Asmus, B.; Candido, C.; Ghisi, E.
Evaluating energy performance in non-domestic buildings: A review E. H. Borgstein; R. Lamberts; J. L.M. Hensen