Cost/benefit analysis of energy efficiency parameters in HIS

GIZ, in partnership with the National Housing Secretariat (SNH) of the Ministry of Regional Development (MDR), is developing a technical cooperation project entitled “Energy Efficiency in Sustainable Urban Development, Focus: Social Housing” (EEDUS), which has the objective of improving energy efficiency (EE) in housing units (UH) of social interest in Brazil, mainly in the Minha Casa Minha Vida Program (PMCMV).

The project envisages an approach at multiple levels and with multiple actors, combining political-technical advice and qualification from the entity responsible for the PMCMV and institutions with national relevance, aiming to qualify staff and support decision-making; support and qualification of partner organizations and training of technicians and managers at different levels of government; and development of demonstration projects in cities and states to be selected.

The project aims to increase energy efficiency in the PMCMV, focusing on the modalities in Range 1 of the Program, aimed at serving low-income and vulnerable families. Therefore, the project will directly and indirectly benefit, in different ways, the set of actors involved in the formulation, management and implementation of the Program, as well as its final beneficiaries.

The project operates in three components: 1) integration of energy efficiency criteria into the PMCMV development guidelines; 2) development of new or adapted methods, processes and instruments for planning, implementing and monitoring the program; and 3) strengthening the knowledge base and making information available.

The following products have been developed:

Product 1. Work plan – preparation, structuring and literary review

Product 2.Definition of 3 housing “base units” and definition of simulated thermal and energy performance baselines

Product 3. Application of parameters relevant to EE in the 3 “base units” and Parametric Study of thermal and energy performance

Product 4. Improvement implementation cost study

Product 5. Cost/benefit analysis of EE parameters in HIS

Product 5. Cost/benefit analysis of EE parameters in HIS - ANNEX

Optimized Cases Primer

ORDINANCE No. 532, OF FEBRUARY 23, 2022.pdf


Dialogues on Energy Efficiency:

i. Dialogue on Energy Efficiency - online: Bioclimatic Zone 07

ii. Dialogue on Energy Efficiency - online: Bioclimatic Zones 05 and 06

iii. Dialogue on Energy Efficiency - online: Bioclimatic Zones 01 and 02

Handouts from the Dialogues on Energy Efficiency by Bioclimatic Zones

